Semacore Volumizer Review
When it boils right down to it there is probably nothing that any healthy male would want to do more than have sex. Yes, we like it so much that we end up spending an incredible amount of time just thinking about. In fact, we think about it so much that sometimes it can be hard to concentrate on anything else. And, one thing that we know is that as great as sex can be it can always be better. It's for this reason that many men and women work so hard at creating the best possible conditions for having sex - so much so that there is an entire industry built up around catering to these needs, wants and desires.
We've all seen the wide array of products and services out there that are directed at helping men and women increase their desire and their sexual pleasure with everything from adult videos and photos to lingerie and sex toys to, in more subtle ways, most movies and literature which promote the whole notion of sex. Another line of products that has been growing in stature are items known as sexual enhancement supplements. Now, there are some that are targeted at women but we're here to talk about men and what the products offer them.
For those who may not be overly familiar, modern male enhancement supplements have been around for the last couple of decades and, in most cases, they are made using all-natural ingredients and are designed to help aging men suffering from a natural loss in testosterone production replenish their systems in order to overcome the loss of sexual desire or libido and the sexual performance issues that come with this loss of testosterone. However, there is another type of male enhancement supplement that is designed for men of all ages and is more targeted to making the sexual experience even more enjoyable - these are generally known as semen volumizers. The main goal of these products is to build up the elements within the male body that are responsible for producing semen in order to boost the overall production level. Now, if you are wondering why anyone would want that the answer it simple - the more semen that there is available at the moment of orgasm the longer and harder the testicles have to pump in order to expel it all. And, the harder the pump the more intense and longer lasting the biochemical signals being sent to the brain will last. And, that means the more endorphins that the brain will release which means the user is likely to experience a far more powerful and long lasting orgasm.
The one drawback to all of these great advances for men is that the market that offers them has become nearly overrun with literally hundreds of new products, many of which are showing themselves to be far less effective than the top performing products out there and some have even proven to have some safety concerns. As one would suspect this has brought on a lot of frustration and confusion among male consumers and they attempt to find the product which will get the job done for them in a safe and effective manner.
With all of this in mind we, as a part of our continuing efforts to help our many valued readers find the products that will most likely work best for them, have decided to take a long hard look at one of the most talked about semen volumizing male enhancers on the market today - it's called Semacore.
Inside Semacore

This product which is both manufactured and distributed by a firm called Highline Supplements of Lancaster, PA, is claimed to provide users with the core elements needed to greatly improve a man's capacity to produce semen by as much as 300%. As mentioned in the previous section, the ultimate aim of this supplement is to increase both the power and duration of the male orgasm.
Semacore Active Ingredients
A review of the product label shows that the active ingredients are mostly found in many of the top performing products on the market and are considered essential elements in all products of this type. They are claimed to include L-Arginine, L-Lysine, Carnitine, Zinc Oxide, Catuaba Bark and Pumpkin Seed.
The Science And Semacore
Having a solid understanding of the ingredients in any product, especially one of this nature, is always a good thing but there is another set of facts surrounding them that is even more important when it comes knowing just how safe and effective that product is likely to be and that is the way in which the product was formulated. For instance, one can imagine a product which utilizes all of the very best ingredients one would expect but in dosages which fall below the recommended guidelines. In this case it is unlikely that this product would be very effective. For this reason most reputable firms tend to conduct a significant degree of research, study and clinical trials to determine the overall safety and efficacy of the product.
Based on survey of all of the available data both from company sources and other outside sources we could not find any links to data that might support the fact that any of this kind of study or testing was performed on this product.
What Users Are Saying
Something that has happened since the dawn of the internet age and which has radically changed to way in which consumers shop is the widespread use of testimonials and user reviews. This is so much so that the user reviews have largely become the single most trusted form of advertising for products of nearly all types. The main problem that has come about with this new reality is that most of the reviews that consumers tend to see are on website or in other types of marketing materials are creations of and under the control of the seller. This being the case there is a clear and inherent bias to them which cannot be easily overlooked. Knowing this we always tend to seek out more independent sources of user reviews.
Looking at a whole range of industry websites that have no known affiliation with Semacore or its producer as well as numerous chat rooms and other online forums we discovered a large cache of independent user reviews for this product. Based on a simple tally of the overall ratings it became rather clear that most actual independent users did not feel that they received any notable or lasting benefits from the use of Semacore.
Is Semacore Volumizer Safe To Use?
Another look back at the active ingredients claimed to be in this product we could find no evidence of any elements which are known to have any serious adverse health risks for what would be an otherwise healthy individual. Still, it is always best to seek a consultation with a physician or other qualified medical professional before beginning of this or any other product of a similar composition.
Purchasing Semacore
With no official website for this product, consumers must turn to a number of well-known online retail outlets to make a purchase. As of this publication the average retail price of a one month supply is approximately $23.95
Semacore: The Wrap Up
Being that the pursuit of an ever greater sexual experience is a worthy one in the minds of most men the demand for semen volumizing male enhancers is only growing. What we wanted to know here is whether Semacore was among the top choices on the market. For this we decided to look at three core aspects of the product.
The first was to see if the list of active ingredients was comparable to many of the top rated products on the market and we found that it was. The second was to look at whatever data may be available as to how the product was formulated and here we could not locate any data which would support the claims being made for it. The third aspect dealt with what independent user reviews had to say and results of our research were consistent in that the vast majority did not believe that Semacore lived up to its many promises.
All in all, the evidence seems to clearly show that Semacore has not done what is necessary to be put in the same class as the best that this industry has to offer men seeking more intense and longer lasting orgasms.
For more information on high quality, top rated semen volumizing male enhancement supplements available on the market today see below or click here.
Rank | Pic | Detailed Analysis | Rating | Website |
1 | Learn More |
Extendagen | |
2 | Learn More |
Volume Pills | |
3 | Learn More |
Semenax | |
4 | Learn More |
Ogoplex | |
5 | Learn More |
Spermamax | |
6 | Learn More |
Spermomax | |
7 | Learn More |
Roplex | |
8 | Learn More |
FertilAid | |
9 | Learn More |
Ejaculoid | |
10 | Learn More |
Steel Libido | |
11 | Learn More |
Zenerx | |
12 | Learn More |
Irexis |